What kinds of materials of nibs are available?

With exception to the size 8 nib, all nib sizes are available in Stainless Steel, Titanium or Gold. The size 8 nibs are only available in Titanium and Gold. Each material has its own characteristics. Following explanation features our nibs in their standard, non-ground state. Grinding may alter the writing experience, especially in the case of an Italic grind. Read more about grinding below.


What is the difference between stainless steel, titanium and gold?

This sturdy and corrosion resistant steel has quite a stiff nature. This means that it allows very little flexibility. A stainless steel nib is therefore a very good companion when taking notes very quickly or when you have a heavy hand. The line variation will be minimal when pressure is applied. On the other hand, this nib is not suitable for creating your own line variation by applying pressure. We like to recommend these “nails” to people who just got started in the fountain pen world to get acquainted with the ins and outs of writing with a fountain pen.

A rather exotic nib material since not so many nib manufacturers dare to use it. Most nibs made out of Titanium will have a rather high flexibility, without it being a true flex nib. Titanium offers a great line variation but requires a delicate touch to avoid spreading the tines too much. However, our own experience taught us that not all Titanium nibs are equally flexible. We believe that this might have to do with the size of the nib, specific grade and the manufacturing process. This flexibility makes Titanium the perfect material for basic calligraphy without having to use a ground nib or even specialist calligraphy nibs.
Although a very luxurious material, gold is known to be one of the best choices in nib material. Gold is not only known for its good feedback, flexibility and springiness but it is also an exceptionally long-lasting material. Golden nibs will not suffer any (or at least very little) decay or corrosion over the years, or even decades.


I would like to purchase a #8 Stainless Steel nib, but I can’t find it anywhere on the webshop?

The reason the Stainless steel nibs don’t show up in Size #8 is simply because they don’t exist. They are not produced by our supplier (Peter Bock).


What is the difference between a rhodinated nib and a gold nib?

Technically, a rhodinated nib is a gold nib (14K) that received a surface plating, giving it a silver-like colour. Hence it’s trivial name: “white gold”. There is no functional advantage on a rhodinated nib. It is purely an aesthetic and value based choice.


Are all nibs made out of stainless steel?

We have Titanium, Gold and Stainless steel nibs available. Depending on the collection, they have a corresponding size and width, which can be custom grinded. For more information about nib sizes, please take a look at “What is the tipping size of the medium, fine and extra fine nib of both #6 and #8 titanium nibs?”


Does a titanium nib have a greater flexibility than a stainless steel nib?

It is the most flex nib. The following order indicates our material from most flexible to least flexible: Titanium – Gold – Stainless steel.


You used to sell 18K Gold nibs instead of 14K Gold nibs. Why the change?

We have opted for the 14k gold nibs because of the writing characteristics. We used to sell 18k nibs but they are much to easily deformed. Gold is a very soft material and is therefore not very suitable for nibs in its pure form (21k). 18k nibs are still a bit too soft for a decent nib, or at least the Bock 18k nibs are. The 14k nibs are very good nibs and will probably last you a lifetime and (if taken good care of) could possibly even outlive your grandchildren.
