
27-03-2019 v 2.9
Better filtering options in webshop
27-02-2019 v 2.8
Many new payment options
PHP 5.6 > PHP 7.2
20-02-2019 v 2.7
Companies can fill in VAT during checkout
Better geolocation
13-02-2019 v 2.6
Show Price nib not incl.
06-02-2019 v 2.5
Changed menu
12-09-2018 v 2.4
20 post per page instead of 10
Page “People talk about Conid”
27-06-2018 v 2.3
Better styling newspages
HowTo-movies in bigger frame
Estimated Shipping date in better dateformat
Updated FAQ-page with searchform
11-04-2018 v 2.2
Showing subtotals in cart without VAT
Showing prices of pens in cart excl. nibprice
Showing prices of components (nibs, tooling, engraving) of pens in cart
Showing estimated delivery time in cart en during checkout
05-04-2018 v 2.1
Adjustments in display of prices and VAT
Changelog added
28-03-2018 v 2.0
New website for